Wednesday, 31 October 2007

I'll get you, Spears.

I was nearly bored to tears today. Then I came home and watched about four hours worth of TV shows that I'd been missing up until now! And ate chocolate.

An excellent Halloween had, aside from the exhaustion/boredom factor and the fact that I mostly forgot it was Halloween throughout the day! But I toted a small pumpkin around and wore Halloween shoes that I made ages ago.

Also, this (found it in the New York Times today)

It's Official: Britney Spear copies Rachel's Halloween Costume

Granted, I can't blame her, it was a really excellent costume. But, I mean once she's done with current court issues, I'm takin' her butt to court.


Seth said...

Hey, your hair is totally real.

Krister Rollins said...

So are your kids.

... and your vagina.