Rachel Appears to be Musical Prodigy, Isn't.
Musical prodigies are said to look this amazing. And have ferrets.
Megan and I were talking today while I was studying (online, obviously) and I told her that the Vice Principal had asked me to play the piano for the teacher’s farewell ceremony on Tuesday. I pointed to myself to confirm this, and then mentioned that I may not be a good choice as I have no idea how to play the piano at all. He then nodded, said “Hm. Is there no one who will play?” (Meaning I was definitely his last choice), and then he kindly instructed me on how to hole punch papers and put them in folders. That man sure puts the ‘pal’ in principal.
Anyway, I told Megan about the piano playing. She thought it was funny enough. I then said that I should have agreed and played the piano and played chopsticks. Megan said it would have been better to just bangon the keys for six minutes and then stand up and say, “It’s an American song!”. I had the mental image of every person in the room standing perfectly still -- not laughing or acknowledging my hypothetical insane actions. I then burst out laughing in the middle of the teacher’s room. Laughing so hard that my JTE actually asked me what was so funny. I told her the idea, and she started laughing soon. I then said, “Everyone would just say ああ、面白い。。。“ Which means “Ah… that’s interesting.” – they say that all the time when they don’t like something. LOVE IT.
I have absolutely nothing left to talk about, that seemed like it was completely validated.
Hmmm...Seems I too have been asked to play the piano at our farewell ceremony...Chopsticks, you say?
Every westerner can play piano!
Rachel reads The Onion, Learns.
(I like your new titling system)
Krister -- Yes I have always thought it best to steal things from clever people and make them less clever.
Bryn - DO IT.
Stealing from clever people has gotten me where I am today.
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