Friday 14 March 2008

Graduation Ceremony Day, Some People Care

Today was White Day. This is the day where girls get chocolate from boys. I didn’t, but I did go to a graduation at Ine JHS. There isn’t much to say about it. Teachers dressed up in suits (which helped me to realize that I need to reintroduce exercise into my daily regiment), students wore their same old school uniforms (with pretty red flowers attached), and parents showed up in suits or kimonos! We also had a group of important looking men show up, as is necessary for most Japanese ceremonies, I feel. One of them was the mayor, as it turns out! La-dee-da!

The ceremony itself was about an hour and a half in length. Speeches, bowing, formalities, and then we got to leave. Short and sweet! It was cute seeing my students with their parents, and cuter still watching them enter the teacher’s room one by one to say, ‘thank you!’ and dash out, embarrassed and a bit teary.

I felt lucky to spend the day at Ine JHS on a Friday instead of my usual schedule of going over to sit around at the BOE and twiddle my thumbs. I was also very fortunate in that I got to take food home from the 3rd year graduation party! I grabbed some sushi and sandwiches before heading down to Scott’s apartment to watch movies with Leigh. A good day by all accounts.

I also managed to take some interesting pictures of my town – proof that the weather is actually getting nicer.

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