My sister had left the country, which consequently left me with about 60,000 yen to my name and 3 weeks until pay day. I decided to ignore my lack of funds and take a trip down to Fukuchiyama with Yumi with the sole purpose of finding me new glasses.
The optometrist in Japan was not unlike the ones I’ve been to in the States. There’s a waiting room, a receptionist, and lots of weird eyeball attachments within the office itself. The differences however were also quite numerous. The first being that Yumi and I waited to be seen for almost two hours. During this time we had to watch a British war movie set in Africa from the 1970’s. Roger Moore was in it! The receptionist had lost the paper I had filled out about my medical history etc. When we re-wrote the information, she promptly placed my form in the back of the queue. I believe that’s why we waited two hours. I wasn’t terribly pleased with how that went, but as Japan brings out the timid, non-complainer in me, I contently sat and waited for my (UNFAIR) turn.
I had my eyesight measured! They use C’s instead of E’s… I wonder how much of a difference it made! They discovered that I was as blind as I had previously mentioned, and started measuring my eyes for contact lenses. This somehow involved me being prodded in the eye with a queue tip and then immediately having my eyes rinsed in a glorified bedpan! I wasn’t used to that sort of thing, so it caught me off guard otherwise I may have instinctually fought it. Anyway, I had lenses fitted on me (contact and regular) and then set off to the glasses shop next door to pick out new frames.
It was a bit emotional having to say goodbye to my old glasses frames… I think I had had them on the bridge of my nose since I was 18 or 19 years old. However, I picked out ones that essentially looked the same (to this day nobody has noticed them). So, in all it was a happy ending!
I should also note that Yumi and I went to eat ramen, and that it was tasty!